Sunday, June 27, 2021

The International Dinner

Making dinner can be a pain in the neck. My husband is the cook in the house snd I think whatever he makes is delicious. It is really! At least once a week we pick up dinner and order enough to last at least two nights
so as not to have to think about what to make. So last night we had an interesting combination of food - from all over the place. We had pierogi the other day. On top of those we poured the leftover spaghetti sauce. A couple of days ago we ordered Moby Dick kabobs, bread and yogurt, and had leftover chicken. Last week when we went grocery shopping we picked up a new brand of rice. The red wine we drink every night always tastes good with whatever we are eating. When I was looking at the plate it became obvious that this was indeed a very international dinner. The countries represented were Mexico (rice), Iran (chicken kabob, flat bread and yogurt), Poland (pierogi), Argentina (wine), and Italy (spaghetti sauce). Topped off with a salad and it was delicious! We were going to make vegetables but realized that the rice had both corn and beans. The best part was that it was simple to make. All we needed was the microwave. 

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