Saturday, September 18, 2021

A Most Unusual Day

We have been fortunate regarding maintaining generally good health. Thanks to the pandemic several doctor visits were put off and we both feel a lot older. I just went for an annual visit and need another prescription. I also need to have an X-ray because of horrible back pain in the supine position. My husband has had an issue crop up over the last ten days. Yesterday we spent time on a video chat with his doctor. That ended with a prescription, and a referral. That meant calling the referral, getting an appointment, filling in the on line health screen, sending in ID and insurance cards, having a medical record faxed from one office to another - all of which took multiple phone calls. I’m also reacquainting myself with provider handbooks and health care benefits. When we went to pick up the prescription the line was so long we went back in the evening - two trips to the store. When we picked up the mail there were two bills from the lab saying our insurance didn’t cover my husband’s lab work  - that means more phone calls and run arounds next week because there was no one to talk to late Friday afternoon. I just had blood work done and my claims were processed so I’m not sure what the glitch was. When I checked the claims and invoices on the website I didn’t have access to my husbands information. In the mean time my husband hasn’t been himself over worry - he’s a retired surgeon, reads in to everything, and not used to any of this. We haven’t been eating because he lost his appetite and of course I’m worried - and have a painful back at night. On top of that I scheduled a hearing test for Monday and know what that means. There are more dental visits next month. In the grand scheme of things it could be a lot worse. The pandemic is an overwhelming cloud that has no end, and all these things make us feel even more vulnerable. And our diversions have been reduced - no trips, no dinners, no visits. I guess you can only take one day at a time and be thankful things aren’t worse. Having just lived through my mom’s last few years on earth doesn’t help either. It’s incredibly sad watching a loved one deteriorate. Hopefully everything will start to calm down. It was just too much in one day. 

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