Sunday, September 19, 2021

Nostalgic Items at American History Museum

The Smithsonian American History Museum was always a favorite of mine. I was first introduced to it many years ago when I visited my sister who was in college in DC. I loved the First Ladies gowns and the general vibe. At that time my plan was to major in history, but that never materialized. When we lived on Capitol Hill we would visit here and there during the slower times of the year. Now that we live in northern Virginia we drive in to the city at least once a week. In the last month or two we have been visiting the museum in order for me to get images for the weekly photo challenge. The subject matter was “nostalgia” for one of them, and that took me to the ruby slippers from the Wizard of Oz. But while we were there we stopped in a few other areas and checked out the other nostalgia items. There was Stan Musial’a bat and Carl Yaz’s head gear. Barbie was front and center - I had a whole collection of Barbie stuff including her car. Then there was Mr Peanut. We used to see him walking in the street when we went to visit my grandparents in New England. Of course Colonel Sanders had a presence in both his likeness hanging from the ceiling and the bucket used to pick up chicken. A VW bug poster and model car shows the transition over time. And there was an office with a royal typewriter sitting on the desk. I had a royal in college to type all of my papers. Obviously the place was filled with all sorts of things. Unfortunately I didn’t pay as much attention to these objects because I was focusing on getting a photo for the challenge. Luckily we have the luxury of coming to town when we are interested. Or, you can always do a virtual visit. 

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