Wednesday, September 29, 2021

I Flunked the Hearing Test

Both my mom and dad wore hearing aids. I’ve been asking my husband to repeat himself much too often. When I had my annual doctor appointment I learned that my ears were perfectly clear. So that meant only one thing. I needed to finally get a hearing test. We live right across the street from Hearing Associates of Northern Virginia. Since we are all about convenience, we thought this would be a great place to start. Our insurance has some hearing benefits, but nothing to speak of. So I scheduled an appointment, went through all the tests - ears were clean, and test results showed moderate to severe hearing loss - especially at the higher frequencies. So I saw hearing aids in my future. We discussed the options - in the ear, behind the ear, etc. I went home with an Oticon brochure and things to think about. Since I don’t know anything about hearing aids, I researched whatever was out there including Lively - an all on line experience. I even took another hearing test on Lively and it compared - followed by an immediate phone call from them trying to sell me their product. Since I made up my mind about sticking with the place across the street, I studied up on Oticon More. There are very expensive so I decided on the mid range level 2. All the while I was emailing the audiologist back and forth trying to make up my mind. So the hearing aids were ordered and an appointment was made for a fitting. They are behind the ear, silver, rechargeable, and stream to my phone. Stay tuned - another life changing experience. 

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