Wednesday, September 21, 2022

The Strange Phone Call

It’s been a few months since we have heard from my husband’s classmate and friend who lives in England. He occasionally sends emails but also calls at fairly frequent intervals. My husband also has another classmate who lives in France. The two of them - the one in England and the one in France - get together every once in a while and travel together. Though since the pandemic things have changed. My husband has not spoken to his friend in France for more than two years - which isn’t unusual. But when they do talk it like they just saw each other yesterday. We have visited with them all a few times over the years but haven’t obviously for the last few years. The other day we got a FaceTime call from his friend in England. I happened to answer it and immediately got my husband who was out on the balcony. Apparently he called to wish me condolences - because someone they all know told him that my husband had died! While we were talking, his wife showed us her iPad where the French friend and wife were on - to prove to them that my husband hadn’t died. As soon as the England call ended, his French friend called and they spoke for at least an hour or more. The whole experience left a bad taste in our mouths. The person who reported the incident should be shot! Having not heard from either of my husband’s friends for quite a while ended up with this phone call. There’s no photo I can add to show my feelings about this. 

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