Tuesday, October 25, 2022

52Frames Two Year Anniversary

At the suggestion of a friend I joined the 52Frames photo challenge. That was two years ago! The timing couldn’t have been better because it was an opportunity to get out of the house in search of locations that might be ideal for the weekly subject matter. And because of the pandemic our choices before had been very routine and my photos were taken for this blog with nothing particular in mind - except a subject I wanted to write about. I’m not exactly a “photographer” per se; but I’ve always loved to take photos. I no longer have a real camera either and depend on my iPhone. Until last month my iPhone 8plus was my camera for these challenges. I waited until this year to finally update my phone to the iPhone 14 pro max - mostly in part for the camera enhancements - and there is a big difference in the images! I also post one photo each day on my Facebook business website and instagram. Based on the reactions, my gut feeling, and my husband’s opinion and image is selected for upload. All in all I have learned a lot of new words and their definitions related to photography. I’ve learned a lot of tips and have improved in the art of taking photos, and have found some great apps to help with editing. And each week the best 52 photos are selected from all the entries from around the world. I couldn’t believe when my entry was selected not once, but twice out of usually over 3,000 put out there. So it’s the second anniversary of non interrupted weekly photo shoots and uploads. It’s a fun hobby for anyone who loves to take photos and another way to “meet” people to comment on and receive comments about our weekly images. 

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