Monday, October 31, 2022

52Frames Details Photo Challenge

This weeks’s subject for the 52Frames photo challenge was “details.” It started with a tiny leaf in the neighborhood park that I didn’t think much of until I edited the photo. It ended up being the selection for the week. The perfect symmetry of the gold to garnet spectrum or “color wheel” was very unusual in an autumn leaf. Usually the colors are haphazard and random. There were several other leaves to pick from but this one was unusual looking! Looking upwards towards the sky the dazzling fall colors looked ever so interesting too. One image of the tree trunks and branches had both green and yellow leaves in what looked like a split screen. We went to a plant store to find some violas and pansies for the balcony flower baskets and came across several detailed pumpkins and gourds - perfect for the season, but still not as interesting. Later on in the week we drove in to DC and parked in our old Capitol Hill neighborhood. The Hirshhorn museum building looked very detailed with the fountain drained and the round structure colliding. Then we went to the Sackler museum to visit the Persian treasures. Obviously a lot of those cherieshed items are quite intricate, but I didn’t think would work well for this challenge. There is something about nature vs man made that usually wins out. It was a beautiful week for taking photos and hopefully the image we selected gets some attention! 

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