Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Embr Wave Personal Thermostat for the Thermally Challenged

Since I can remember I have always been either too hot or too cold - usually too cold. You could say I am thermally challenged. When I grew up in Florida I always carried a sweater with me because I was freezing whenever I stepped indoors from the sweltering heat. In the winter months I am constantly freezing both indoors and outside. My last job at the Library of Congress was in an office so cold I had a space heater running for most of the day. And to this day, whenever we go out for dinner, I’m always cold. Let’s not even mention hormones. So it was with a great deal of interest when I came across Embr Wave on Instagram. I read about this wristwatch shaped device created at MIT that serves as a personal thermostat for people like me. Although it wasn’t exactly cheap, I decided to give it a try. It’s been a month now and I can say it has helped take the edge off in both circumstances. It’s been successful in freezing restaurants, in the evening when my husband is freezing and I am hot, during walks in the inferno of DC summers, and at night while sleeping when I just feel hot. You can sync it with a phone app that shows use over time and get updates to the firmware. The support response was satisfactory when I needed it. The recharge lasts a good bit. I plug it in about every five days or so. It’s probably all in my head, which is the basic premise. But if it works that’s all I care about. I pretty much leave it on all the time. It looks like a watch, etc. I’ve tried it on my husband a few times and he is half heartedly convinced - but he needs to try it more consistently. So if you’re always freezing or hot this little device may be something to consider. 

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