Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Medicare - Everyone Knows!

You can apply for Medicare three months before your birthday to I think three months after. So I did just that. I had already created a social security account to keep up with those benefits, even though I haven’t started collecting them yet. Somehow the two accounts merge after the “paperwork” is completed. Medicare called about my opting out of Medicare Part B. And the reason is because we get our regular health insurance from the federal government - a huge and unplanned (for me) benefit for retirees. I continued getting self plus one insurance over two years ago. It’s probably the best side benefit for working ten years at the Library of Congress. It seems like everyone on earth also knows what age I am because every day I get something in the mail that refers to Medicare, or options for getting Medicare supplemental insurance. From AARP to every health plan out there are offers to cover whatever Medicare doesn’t. It could be mind boggling thinking about all of this. Hopefully the federal laws for retirees will not touch the health plan options because it’s something I would never give up. It’s hard to believe I am even eligible for Medicare. Where has the time gone?

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