Monday, June 16, 2014

The Silver Line In McLean

It's been awhile since we went to Cafe Deluxe in Tysons. So we decided it would be a nice ride up the George Washington Parkway, to highway 123 or better named Dolley Madison Boulevard. Along side it runs the new Metro Silver Line that is supposed to be opening soon. And it will run through Capitol South, which is a little over a block from our house. Not that we would take it as far as I am concerned, but my husband would certainly like to. Based on what I have heard, it will be the most modern form of transit, making the other metro trains archaic. It has also been reported that there will even be obvious restroom facilities, something that is not known in the current configurations around town. Near the Tysons Mall site is a huge office and apartment structure that is also nearing completion. Eventually the area is supposed to be a green space walking heaven. I know a few people who live in the area who could take the train in from work rather than drive. Neither one of them think they will because it still requires a drive to the parking lot first, a wait for the train, and not being in control. I think you need to either have grown up using this kind of transportation, or you don't have any other choice. I was so used to driving my own car in Milwaukee because there was no train and my job required a lot of travel to and from a variety of facilities. Here, I walk two blocks to work. The metro sounds like a good idea, but I just can't seem to get in to it - even if it's new and goes all the way to Tysons. 

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