Saturday, February 6, 2016

Hyacinth and Paperwhite Bulbs

I received a lovely bouquet of tulips for my retirement this week from a dear friend in Milwaukee. And I also received two bulb plants from a dear friend in DC. The tulips are sitting on the dining room table - that was a no brainer! The bulbs, on the other hand, took the two of us to read the instructions to figure out how we can hopefully bring the hyacinth and Paperwhites to fruition. We put the recommended water level in the glass vase, stuck the hyacinth bulb just above the water line, and placed it on the closet shelf, since we don't have a basement or cellar. We will check on it every week over the next few and keep our fingers crossed for any sign of life. The Paperwhites came with the planting soil they required, but first needed to be expanded by dumping the small round disk of dirt into a bowl and adding two cups of water. We planted the three bulbs in the pot with the burlap liner, added some rocks for stability, and put it directly in the sunlight on the kitchen table. So now we will wait and see what happens. The tulips will be long gone by the time the bulbs bloom. And that's what makes each so special - the friends, I mean! 

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