Sunday, January 9, 2022

Kale and Spinach

We both like spinach. If you asked me when I was younger if I would ever eat spinach now I would have laughed. We use it a lot to mix in with scrambled eggs, or to make an omelette, and also for a great shrimp casserole recipe. When we were in the grocery store the other day we needed to restore our spinach supply. But the shelves were looking pretty empty and there were no spinach only packages left. We did find a combination kale and spinach mixture and thought we would give it a try. I really didn’t care for the taste of the kale - especially cooked. Maybe it could have passed in a regular salad. So we ended up picking through the batch and separating the rough edged kale from the smooth edges spinach. I never knew you could cook lettuce either. Hopefully the food supply chain will smooth out since the dreadful weather and pandemic have really created so many problems. One can’t be too picky these days. 

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