Thursday, July 18, 2024

Spoon Photo Trending on 52Frames

It’s been a while since one of my photos has been selected as a top 52 on 52Frames. And it’s also been a while since any of my photos were picked on the instagram site. I know my photos will never be in the top three out of 2500-3000 submitted weekly. But since April when a fellow framer told me that my photo was trending on the 52Frames website, I have been checking the website at least every day to see if the same would happen. And it has. My photo has trended usually on the second day after the album opens. And this week was no exception. I don’t know what the criteria is but am always happy to see that it gets that far. Maybe because the effort to create the image is usually intense. It’s not photographically the best, but I do spend a lot of time every week creating some sort of composite image. This week the subject was “spoon” and I made a spoon vase and spoon flowers out of white plastic spoons to make a bouquet. This entry was composed of about 42 layers! I have to say I was disapppinted that it didn’t make the top 52 because the comments I got on it from all over the world were just so inspiring. If nothing else that what really makes it all worth while. 

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