Monday, March 28, 2016

Flu, Friends, and Chicken Soup

I knew something was wrong the minute I got up yesterday morning. My husband looked and felt like he had something dreadful. Just because he was sitting in the chair rather than listening to his early morning programs in his usual spot was a clue. He was listless, had a fever, a rapid heart rate, a slight headache, and was nauseated. He is rarely, if ever, ill. So this was very unexpected. We both get flu shots every year, and I heard that there was an uptick in flu cases this month. So he slept the day away, and I checked on him every hour or so. The last time he was like this we landed in the emergency room, but he was congested and really sick then. Luckily he is much better today and his appetite has returned. I sent a note yesterday to our friends to let them know we would have to cancel our planned get together this evening. They responded in kind by delivering a container of home made chicken soup this afternoon, and he - and I - enjoyed every last bit of it. One can feel quite helpless at times like this, and it can be a reminder of what the future might bring. But it's also a time to reflect on friendship. Nothing can be more important. 

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