Sunday, December 13, 2015

Birthday Greetings From Odd Places

December is a busy month. But in spite of that, my mom always made sure my birthday was separated from Christmas. It's always so nice to receive well wishes from family and friends near and far. Being on Facebook also makes it a lot easier to remember and send, as well as receive greetings. But over the years, one also starts receiving email birthday greetings from the strangest places. It started with the health care plan we belong to. Then it was followed by the dentist. I was so excited I deleted it! Then one came from Zoc Doc. I made an appointment with them once, and I'll never be forgotten! Then another came from Zazzle... I have a zazzle shop for my digital art and really don't know how they figured it out. And, then a real card mailed through the post office came from our investment broker. It almost seems like too many greetings from complete strangers! But, it makes the day even more exciting - or irritating? It's actually quite funny. 

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