Sunday, June 2, 2024

Call From the Grandson

Our grandson is twenty years old. It’s rather hard to believe that he will be a senior in college this year. In the meantime he just finished his junior year and has for the last two summers worked at the Hudson River giving white water tours. He was there for the Memorial Day holiday doing the same thing, but had to cut it short because he starts his internship at a financial organization near us. Whenever he is on the road he usually calls to chat - and that happened yesterday as we were in the elevator heading to our condo. It’s always so nice to hear that he is doing well, is generally upbeat, seems to have everything in hand, and still remembers to call his grandparents. Ironically he will be living in a row house apartment on the lower level that is almost right across the street from his family’s rowhouse and our condo in our old Capitol Hill neighborhood. We are looking forward to seeing him here and there while he is in town. He will also have an opportunity to visit with people he knew when he grew up right down the street from us until he and his family moved to central Virginia. It’s always so good to hear from him and it’s amazing how fast time is flying. My husband used to babysit and pick him up from school. It’s been a wonderful experience watching him grow. He’s just a really nice kid. 

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