Saturday, June 22, 2024

Plantar Fasciitis is Painful

More than a month ago I started to have pain in both of my feet - especially after sitting and then getting up. Finally I googled “why do my heels hurt when I start walking” and plantar fasciitis came up. I have no idea how it started or why. After a while the right heel became “normal” but the left heel feels like a knife stuck in it whenever I stand. We still walk for two miles every day because it is “okay” once you get going. I belong to Hinge health through our health insurance company and have been doing PT exercises for lower back pain for over a year - following a tailored program via the app. They also have PT’s available to message and request guidance. So I contacted my assigned PT and asked if she could recommend a program specific to this issue. She did update my existing program to include three levels of exercise for plantar fasciitis, and sent a link for some additional information. She also suggested using an iced water bottle for foot massage and wearing a splint at night. She has also checked in asking about progress. It seems like this is going to take a long time. I haven’t been to a doctor yet because I don’t want to see a doctor and will continue this approach to see if it may finally make a difference. I probably need to get another pair of walking shoes since they haven’t been changed for over a year.  I’m glad I have this option and I hope that it helps. I Could say there has been small improvement or I am just getting used to it. I guess I’ll just have to wait and see what happens. Thank goodness it is only one foot. 

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