Sunday, June 23, 2024

Beavis and Butthead Return

Every so often I get a text message from a guy I used to work with in the Midwest. Anytime we go back for a visit my husband and I always have lunch with him - which unfortunately hasn’t happened since 2019 and the pandemic. He has even stayed with us in DC when he had some work to do for Marquette University. It’s always nice to stay in touch with folks that we knew back in the day. Last week I got a text from him about Beavis and Butthead returning for a new series next month. That may seem strange, but I love Beavis and Butthead! So much so that I even had a remote control that mimicked those horrible voices. I brought it in to work and we had a ball with it. We even watched Beavis and Butthead Do America in DC before we moved to Capitol Hill. Anyway, upon further investigation I realized that the cartoon already has two new seasons that started in 2022 and 2023, and the reminder he sent was actually for season three that will begin on Comedy Central. But the first two seasons are already available on Paramount+ now. So I was really excited to find the show on the TV app that we already have. As you know nothing is the same the second time around and that is the case for this too. It’s hard to believe that it’s been thirty years since the first show. There are too many ads but it does have its quirky moments. I’m sure we will continue to watch an episode here and there. The humor is really quite moronic and disgusting but there is just something about it. 

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