Tuesday, June 11, 2024

The Broken Bird

It’s happened before. The ornamental bird figure that sits on our bedroom dresser broke. The first time it was sitting in the dining room on the sideboard with the plants and flowers. All it took was a tumble to the ground and the head cracked off. It was repaired with gorilla glue and has lasted all this time - until it was knocked over again. We first bought these wooden birds at Eastern Market in DC and the three birds sat on top of the kitchen cabinets for many years. But when we moved to northern Virginia five years ago they found a new home. We really don’t have a lot of “stuff” anymore - not since we moved from the Midwest eighteen years ago we left just about everything behind. So I’m glad we were able to put the bird back together again. If you look close enough it’s obvious where it broke. It’s just a minor decorative piece and has its history from our old condo on Capitol Hill. Luckily neither one of us is too concerned about trinkets and things. Otherwise it would have been very uncomfortable. 

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