Monday, June 3, 2024

52Frames Shoot With a Phone Weekly Photo Challenge

The subject this week for the 52Frames weekly photo challenge was “shoot with a phone.” Well, that’s easy because it is the only camera I have and I shoot with my phone every week. The most difficult part was trying to figure out the actual subject. All I can say is that I really liked doing the bubble technique - filling a glass Pyrex container with water, adding dishwashing liquid drops and olive oil and placing it over my iPad’s photo stream. But this time I wanted to use photos of real objects rather than just colors and try to get the bubbles to stay in certain sections of the photo - or try a long exposure as the bubbles were moving across the scene. So I tried this technique with several photos that were taken last week - roses, magnolias, silver ragwort, sun star, poppies, deer, tile fish, window boxes and sunsets. Of course there are always two that we both end up liking and it’s really tough to figure out which one to use. The silver ragwort was really lovely - the bubbles looked like flowers on the stems. But we ended up using the magnolia because of the colors and where the bubbles fell. In any event I had a fun time experimenting with this project. I hope it gets noticed! 

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