Wednesday, June 12, 2024

The Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pond

We take a ride in to town at least once a week. It’s great for a morning walk and also helps me get photos for the weekly 52Frames photo challenge that I belong to. Last week we visited the Tidal Basin and walked by the WWII Memorial to see the D-Day memorials, then took a turn by the Constitution Gardens Pond. Then we headed towards the Lincoln Memorial that is undergoing major renovation - like everywhere else in DC! We always delight in all of the bodies of water around the city including the reflecting ponds. The Lincoln Memorial reflecting pond extends from there to the WWII Memorial and it is a very pleasant walk from one end to the other. There are also tree lined covered sidewalks along the pond that is always better to take in the blazing sun. It wasn’t exceptionally busy on this day but it’s always interesting to see the people traverse the area. There was a group of four girls taking photos in what looked to be a graduation get together and others riding by on bikes. Still other larger tour groups were coming and going on their way to the Vietnam memorial or the Korean Memorial. When we got back to the WWII Memorial there were several people taking photos of the ducks and ducklings. This is the time of year where the ducks steal the scene and always get a lot of attention. Regardless of the time of year there is always something to see at the reflecting ponds. And it’s great for a morning walk. 

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