Friday, June 14, 2024

52Frames Line From a Song Photo Trending

I am hoping g to keep in this “winning streak!” About seven weeks ago a fellow 52Frames framer commented on my photo that it was trending on the main page website. Since I don’t regularly check the main page I discovered something I didn’t know about. Since then I have been making it a habit to check the 52Frames site daily. This week the new album with the subject “line from a song” came out in Tuesday like it does every week. On Wednesday my photo was trending again. It’s really cool because there are usually 2500-3000 photos entered every week. So this week makes seven weeks in a row that my photo was trending at some time during the week. And it stayed trending for the better part of the day. Since it’s a dynamic feature it changes up every so often but I don’t know what the criteria is. Nevertheless I am always thrilled to see when this happens. Unfortunately my photo has not ever been selected in the top three, but it has been selected five times in the top 52, and a couple of times on the instagram site. What I find most intriguing is that fellow framers are now asking me about a couple of my techniques including how I use bubbles and also some framing options. I am not a photographer but I love taking photos and I love making composite photos even more. So I am tickled every week if I see my photo trending. It’s a fun hobby to have and keeps me busy and connected to people all over the world. 

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