Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Capitol Hill Walkabout

Monday is typically a good day to drive in to town for a morning walk. The other reason is to take photos for the weekly 52Frames photo challenge. I didn’t have high hopes for the photo challenge because the subject is “portrait” and I wasn’t in the mood to find a stranger to pose, and we didn’t come across anyone that looked like they might like to participate. So instead we just enjoyed the walk and I took photos of random things. We parked in our old neighborhood and walked the walk we took for thirteen years. The vegetable garden at the Library of Congress was growing tall already. It was very quiet at the Capitol - except at the visitor center entrance. There was barely anyone in sight in a panoramic shot. There was a large school group posing for photos. The ducks were out and about in the reflecting pool. Since it was getting quite warm we decided to make it a short excursion, stopping inside the US Botanic garden. There are always new orchids on display as well as other favorites throughout the outside gardens. There was what looked to be a pineapple plant at the Bartholdi fountain gardens, along with the vegetable garden with the Capitol building in the background. We trudged back to the car just in time to hit the two mile mark. We are never disappointed visiting the old neighborhood. 

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