Monday, June 17, 2024

52Frames Abstract Weekly Photo Challenge

The subject for the 52Frames photo challenge this week was “abstract.” Apparently there are several types of abstract, but I always tend to go with my gut. And I have learned a lot of new techniques since joining this online group. So we drove in to town last week and I just started taking photos of things using the “live” option on my iPhone. That way, any of the photos could be turned in to long exposure while editing. The Capitol steps were one option. The waterfountain spray was another. Then there were all the ducks splashing about. The water sprays in front of the National gallery of art are always nice and with a great deal of editing the photo became even more interesting. I am not happy with a single photo so I spend a lot of time creating composites - using several images to make one. The coneflowers at the US botanic garden were a great subject too. But the rounded glass windows and faux stream and waterfalls at the Smithsonian American Indian Museum turned out the best. I used two layers and converted one in to a negative which created some lovely dramatic colors. Then a second layer was superimposed at a different level and crop. I liked the end result even though I’m not sure it meets the criteria. I guess I’ll find out this week if it was a good choice. 

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