Thursday, June 27, 2024

Care Package for the Grandson

Our grandson is doing an internship this summer in our northern Virginia neighborhood. But he is staying in a basement rowhouse apartment in our - and his - old neighborhood on Capitol Hill. He has to go in to the office on Tuesdays and Wednesdays and works from home the rest of the week. He’s not a metro type guy so he drives his truck in to work. In order to avoid rush hour traffic on the way home - and of course to stop for a visit with us - he has stopped in twice so we can go out for dinner. It gives us an excuse to go out to a restaurant rather than stay home, and a chance to catch up in the world of an almost twenty one year old. The last time we came back home for some nice cream after dinner. This time my husband and I made up a care package filled with every piece of fruit we usually enjoy as well as other chocolate, cookie and candy treats. The package included a pear, apple, nectarine, banana, orange, cherries, grapes, and chunks of watermelon and melon. I put it all in a plastic bag with a glacier ice gel refrigerant (the kind sent to preserve our eyedrop medications in the summer heat) that comes in handy. Our grandson has such a busy schedule it’s so nice that he makes time to see his old grandparents though we always insist we can be his last option if he has better things to do. It’s a great opportunity to talk without his parents around - just to get an even better idea of what he’s all about. He is rarely anywhere near here in the summer months so it’s a nice chance to see him. And it’s nice to know he is staying in a familiar place with his old neighbors and friends. Now I need to think of something for the next time! 

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