Saturday, June 15, 2024

Stacking Rocks in the Park

It started a few months ago. We were taking a morning walk in the neighborhood park and at the point after crossing one of the foot bridges there was a stack of rocks. This stack of three very large racks were carefully balanced on a cut off tree trunk. Someone had to have constructed this small “tower” - but who? These are very heavy rocks. Then a bit later all of the rocks were on the ground. Someone must have knocked them down. Then later, the rocks were stacked in a different configuration again on the cut off trunk. Then they were knocked down again. It started to be the name of the game - someone stacked and balanced the rocks; someone else came through and knocked the structure all down. Yesterday the rocks were stacked again. Today the rocks - and the stump - were on the ground. Perhaps it was a message to stop doing it for safety reasons. I could definitely see some small person getting injured doing this folly. It will be interesting to see what happens next. I guess we will find out on our next visit. 

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