Wednesday, June 26, 2024

52Frames Portrait Photo Trending

I belong to the 52Frames photo challenge. Every week we need to submit an image that corresponds to the specific subject matter. This week was “portrait” - preferably of a stranger. So I created a composite of my husband looking both forward and to the side superimposed on the only photo we have of his father - someone I never met and is technically a stranger. Although I have never been and probably never will be in the top three out of 2500 to 3000 in mages submitted every week, there are trending photos that switch out throughout the week on the website. Since someone told me about the trending photos I have been checking the website at least daily to see if my photo trends. Since I was told about it my photos have been trending every week since. I’m not sure how the photos are selected but it is such a treat to see that they do. And this week in particular because the image of the father and son at the same ripe old age optical illusion means something special. And the comments written about it are very heartwarming. It has brought back a lot of memories for my husband. I am sorry that I never had a chance to meet him, but I do feel like I know him. At least we have one photo of him. And it was a passport picture. Thanks for trending my photo 52Frames - regardless of the criteria! 

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