Saturday, June 1, 2024

52Frames Detail Photo Trending

I belong to a weekly photo challenge called 52Frames. There are generally 2500 to 3000 entries. Although it is not a “contest,” there are ways for your photo to stand out from the rest. Obviously being selected as one of the top three is the best - and I don’t think that will ever happen since my camera is my phone and I am not a photographer - I just love to take photos. And I also love to create composite images using procreate. Another way is to have your photo highlighted on instagram. I know it’s happened at least two times - but I think maybe three - before I realized it was happening! Another way to be recognized is to have your photo selected in the top 52. I’ve been fortunate enough that it has happened five times in two and a half years. Then one week a fellow framer told me that my photo was “trending” on the 52Frames website. During the week there are three photos that are updated at certain intervals. I don’t know what the criteria is. But since she told me I have been looking at the website daily to see how it works, and also informing fellow framers when their photos are trending. And since she told me about this trending my photo(s) has been highlighted every week since! Perhaps they have been highlighted before that but I rarely looked at the website during the week. So this week my image was in the top three again for about a day. I contacted 52Frames to see what the criteria was, but nothing specific was given. All I care is that it is such fun to see when my photos are part of the rotation. I’d like to make it a habit! 

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