Friday, June 7, 2024

D-Day and the WWII Memorial

We hadn’t been in to town for the whole week so we decided to go this morning. One thing we know is that aside from cherry blossom season the best and easiest place to park is by the Tidal Basin. Once there you can walk in any direction - to the National Mall, around the Tidal Basin, to the Lincoln Memorial or to downtown and the White House. My husband loves the Constitution Pond area just past the WWII Memorial so that’s where we headed. Before we got to the pond we stopped at the WWII Memorial where it was more active than usual. There were DDay remembrance wreaths placed in the center. Although my parents were not in D-Day they were both in WWII and they are registered on the WWII Memorial site. My dad served twenty one years and was on a destroyer escort doing convoy duty in the engine room across the Atlantic and the Mediterranean; my mom was in the Navy and did varied duties including post office work. They kept meticulous scrapbooks of their experiences. They survived the Great Depression and WWII. Now there are signs that say it’s okay to sit by the pool and put your feet in the water, but it’s disrespectful to walk in it. It is a rather hallowed place after all. And it seemed like most people were following directions. Because it was a bit warmer there were many peddlers selling water and Gatorade. It’s always a pleasant place to meander - and think - from the Lincoln Memorial you can see the WWII Memorial from a different vantage point. We are glad we took this direction today. 

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