Sunday, June 9, 2024

Two FaceTime Calls in One Day

We don’t get a lot of FaceTime calls - in fact not many at all. There are three husband/wife friends/couples that we do hear from every so many weeks or so. Two of them live in the Midwest and one lives in France. Last Thursday we were at our neighbor’s house and we got a FaceTime call from one of our friends in the Midwest - but because we couldn’t talk we agreed to try again later. Earlier in the week we made arrangements to have a FaceTime call with our other Midwest friends - and we did last evening at six PM. Because we hadn’t “seen them” for over a year the very enjoyable conversation lasted two and a half hours. Then right at the end of our chat our other friends called. So we ended one conversation and started another and that one was for another hour and a half! Both my husband and I were very thirsty after all of the talking. In both instances we had such great conversations and stories to tell and hear. We have known both couples for over forty years. We really don’t have friends like that here since we moved to the DC area eighteen years ago. As much as we like “seeing everyone” I wish it was spaced out over a couple of days so we could enjoy it even more. We always traveled back to the Midwest every year but since Covid all of those trips stopped. Maybe this year we may finally make the trek. There is something about seeing people in person. But until that happens it’s just so nice talking to and seeing and reconnecting with the old friends we know! 

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