Wednesday, June 5, 2024

The Black Snake

The last time we saw a snake was at Great Falls Park in the summer months. It was a copperhead and it was quite large and it was crossing our path. I never cared for snakes no matter what the size. When we were in the neighborhood park about a month ago a lady was staring at the ground in to the wooded section and said she just saw a black snake. She also said they are great to have in your garden and are friendly. We didn’t see it but took her word for what it was. Yesterday we were taking our morning walk in the neighborhood park when all of a sudden I noticed a black twig/branch on the sidewalk - but it wasn’t a twig at all because it was moving. My husband didn’t even see it. It was already half way to the other side so just the back end was showing. It was about two to three feet long and moving slow - but I didn’t care. I stayed just long enough to get the last of it going in to the wooded section. Yuck! I tried to read up on this black snake but wasn’t sure what it was exactly - but everything I read didn’t sound very friendly to me. Maybe that’s why the chipmunks were more active than usual today. I have a feeling the snake was and is looking for dinner. 

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