Sunday, June 30, 2024

Disappointed with Air Fryer Eggplant

Ever since we got our air fryer last year we have been using it for a lot of things - including eggplant. The first recipe was really good, but you needed breadcrumbs and egg batter to make it. Then we tried smaller pieces of it but the first time they were overcooked and the second time it was better, but still not as good as the first recipe. Then we found another recipe that seemed simple enough. It called for one half inch rounds but only a bit of oil and oregano and garlic salt/powder. The eggplant was too large and the rounds too big. Perhaps the temperature needed to be higher and the slices thinner. I think I put too much oil and they didn’t crisp up enough. So this week we got two smaller eggplants and gave it another go. I was really looking forward to it too. So the smaller eggplants were cut in quarter inch rounds and left to dry out for thirty minutes. I tried spray olive oil instead of brushing it on, and added organo and garlic salt. Because there were too many pieces both the small and large air fryers were used. For whatever reason they still didn’t turn out right. They weren’t crispy enough and just didn’t seem cooked through. After all of the time and effort it took to make these things it was quite disappointing. The first recipe was the best, but it was also the messiest and you needed egg batter and bread crumbs. I guess that is the secret to a better outcome. 

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